Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pregnancy Considerations Example

Pregnancy Considerations Example Pregnancy Considerations – Term Paper Example Pregnancy Consideration Pregnancy Consideration Recent statistics show that more women prefer to start their families later on in their lives when they get in their thirties. In 2004 for instance, 20% of all childbirths in the US were to women aged 35 and above, and in 2005, there were more babies born to women aged between 35 and 40 years than to any other age group (Mac Dougall, Beyene, and Nachtigall, 2012). With this trending gaining momentum, the average age for women getting babies is now estimated to be 31years, high above 27 years back in 1985. Getting a child for a woman during her late years like in the case of Marsha and Liam has both advantages and disadvantagesOne advantage of getting a child after the age of thirty five among women is that by the age of 35, one would be both financially and intellectually stable to be able to put u[p a family and take care of her children. By the time one gets to 35 years, they have reached great heights in their careers and education a nd have greater financial security. In this case they would be willing to devote a lot of their attention to their children and family life (Toothman, Erica and   Barrett, 2011 ).On the other hand, there are also many disadvantages associated with late child birth. One of them is the health problems, including a decrease in levels of fertility thus risking the ability of women to conceive (Toothman, Erica and   Barrett, 2011 ). The children born to older mothers are also likely to develop health complications.Marsha and Liam seem to have developed fertility problems and find it hard to conceive children due to their older age. There are however various ways in with the couple can have babies despite their age. This can be achieved through medical procedures where a their sperm and ovum can be joined in a test tube and let to mature in to a test tube baby after which they will have the baby and raise it like any other baby (Toothman, Erica and   Barrett, 2011 ).ReferencesMac Do ugall, K., Beyene, Y and Nachtigall. R. D. (2012). Inconvenient Biology:’ Advantages and Disadvantages of First-time Parenting after Age 40 Using in Vitro Fertilization.Human Reproduction, Feb. 14, 2012, Vol. 27 No.4, 1058-065.Toothman, E. L. and Barrett, A. E.  (2011). Mapping Midlife: An Examination of Social Factors Shaping Conceptions of the Timing of Middle Age. Advances in Life Course Research, Vol. 16, Issue 3: 99–111.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition of Contradictory Premises

Definition of Contradictory Premises Contradictory premises involve an  argument (generally considered a logical fallacy) that draws a conclusion from inconsistent or incompatible premises. Essentially, a proposition is contradictory when it asserts and denies the same thing. Examples and Observations of Contradictory Premises Here’s an example of Contradictory Premises: If God can do anything, can He make a stone so heavy that He won’t be able to lift it?Of course, she replied promptly.But if He can do anything, He can lift the stone, I pointed out.Yeah, she said thoughtfully. Well, then I guess He can’t make the stone.But He can do anything, I reminded her.She scratched her pretty, empty head. I’m all confused, she admitted.Of course you are. Because when the premises of an argument contradict each other, there can be no argument. If there is an irresistible force, there can be no immovable object. If there is an immovable object, there can be no irresistible force. Get it?Tell me more of this keen stuff, she said eagerly.(Max Shulman, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Doubleday, 1951)It is . . . sometimes difficult to distinguish between real and apparent incompatible premises. For example, a father who is trying to convince his child that no one should be trusted is obviously making an exception of himself. If he really were making incompatible claims (since you should trust no one, and you should trust me), no rational conclusion could or should be drawn by the child. However, the incompatible premises are only apparent; the father has carelessly overstated the first premise. If he had said, Dont trust most people or Trust very few people, or Dont trust anyone except me, he would have had no trouble avoiding the contradiction.(T. Edward Damer, Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2008) To say that lying is justified must, according to the rational principle enshrined in the categorical imperative, be to say that everyone is justified in lying. But the implication of this is that the distinction between lying and telling the truth is no longer valid. If lying is universalized (i.e., if everyone ought to lie becomes a universal maxim of action), then the whole rationale for lying disappears because nobody will consider that any response might be truthful. Such a [maxim] is self-contradictory, since it negates the distinction between lying and truth-telling. Lying can exist only if we expect to hear the truth; if we expect to be told lies, the motive for lying disappears. To identify lying as ethical, then, is to be inconsistent. It is to try to sustain two contradictory premises (everyone ought to lie and everyone ought to tell the truth) and is therefore not rational.(Sally E. Talbot, Partial Reason: Critical and Constructive Transformations of Ethics and Epistemolo gy. Greenwood, 2000) Contradictory Premises in Mental Logic Unlike the standard logic of textbooks, people draw no conclusions from contradictory premisessuch premise sets cannot qualify as assumptions. No one ordinarily would assume a contradictory set of premises, but would see such as absurd. (David P. OBrien, Mental Logic and Irrationality: We Can Put a Man on the Moon, So Why Cant We Solve These Logical Reasoning Problems. Mental Logic, ed. by Martin D. S. Braine and David P. OBrien. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998)In standard logic an argument is valid as long as there is no assignment of truth values to its atomic propositions such that the premises taken conjunctively are true and the conclusion is false; thus any argument with contradictory premises is valid. In mental logic, nothing could be inferred in such a situation except that some assumption is wrong, and the schemas are not applied to premises unless the premises are accepted. (David P. OBrien, Finding Logic in Human Reasoning Requires Looking in the Right Places. Perspectives on Thin king and Reasoning, ed. by Stephen E. Newstead and Jonathan St.B. T. Evans. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995) Also Known As: Incompatible Premises

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss and evaluate how teams function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Discuss and evaluate how teams function - Essay Example Secondly, team members are interdependent which signifies their reliance on each other, which is the hallmark of teamwork (Thompson, 2008, p. 2). Thirdly, team members are bounded to each other and are relatively stable over a period of time. By boundedness is meant a finite and identifiable membership the composition of which is known to all members as well as outsiders; by stability is meant that there is tenure of membership. Fourthly, team members are empowered to manage their own work and exercise their discretion over the internal processes. They do not need constant permission or approval from the team leader or manager. Finally, teams operate within the context of a larger social system. Teams work alongside other teams and draw upon resources outside their team, from the larger social system (Thompson, 2008, p 3). Team characteristics may be summarized as follows (Zayed & Kamel, 2005, p.2): A team can involve as few as two people. A team is not a mere aggregate of individual s. More than that, it is an integrated unit that functions in a coordinated and complementary manner. A team’s success depends on the interdependent and collective efforts of various team members, not just a few individuals; each member makes a significant contribution to the team effort. Team members are likely to have significant impacts on one another as they work together. When tasks require multiple skills, experience and sound judgment, teams usually outperform the sum total of the work of separate individuals. Teams are found to be more flexible and responsive to changes in the environment and other unexpected events, compared to traditional organizational hierarchical structures or other forms of permanent groupings (Zayed & Kamel, 2005, p.1; Thompson, 2008, p. 6). Factors that make a team work Zayed & Kamel (2005, p.3) specify four requirements for teams to function well: (1) Team members must have an interdependent relationship with each other in the performance of their team activities. (2) This interdependence dictates that group members must interact through conversation or work activities. (3) A team is characterized by a condition of mutual influence between team members. (4) Teams have a common purpose such as accomplishing work, completing a project, or preparing a report. Aside from internal factors possessed by the effective team, there are external factors that have made the development of the self-managed team not only apropos but necessary. The first of these is the degree of specialization required in addressing an increasingly globalized environment. The globalization of the economy enables more organizations to form and, with the increasing complexity of productive activity, assume more specialized functions. This gives rise to a need for specialists in many fields, experts with indepth knowledge and training who are particularly equipped to assess and render competent decisions within their fields of expertise, more than a gene ral manager or team leader (Dyer & Dyer, 2010). The second factor is competition, where the global market is increasingly dominated by a few large firms who enjoy economies of scale and large profits. For these firms, teamwork is becomes a source of competitive advantage in coordinating the activities of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Movie City Hall Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

City Hall - Movie Review Example Perhaps the most famed political leader, when it comes to idealism of purpose, was Cincinnatus. Long before the days when Rome was a far-flung empire, it was a republic clinging to the underbelly of what would be Western Europe. When the Aequi and Volscian tribes began to threaten Rome from the east in 458 B.C., the citizens begged Cincinnatus to take over dictatorial powers and vanquish the threat. He did so, in a mere sixteen days, and then immediately resigned his position of power, returning to his farm. This example of knowing when to yield power was cited by George Washington, after he stepped down after two terms as the first President of the United States ("Cincinnatus"). City Hall, directed by Harold Becker, is just one of a long line of works in American literature and cinema that analyze the slow erosion of an idealistic leader's credibility. One of the first works on this theme was Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men, a scantily fictionalized look at the life of Louisiana's Huey Long. Willie Stark, who is Penn Warren's slightly larger-than-life Huey Long figure, and John Pappas, New York's mayor in City Hall, are two men who have risen to their current power using a similar dichotomy of private and public positioning: outwardly, both men have ridden a populist wave of sentiment to their current posts; inwardly, both men have incurred debts to the corrupt powers that control much of politics, and both ultimately have a price to pay. Both men are closely followed by idealistic staffers - Willie Stark is followed by the aptly named Jack Burden, while John Pappas is followed by Kevin Calhoun. Both of these men have bought into the message that th eir respective leaders have broadcast to the masses, and both men fervently believe in the men for whom they work. By the end of both stories, both men are disillusioned as to the true nature, and the true source, of political power. The contradictions that revolve around political power primarily have to do with the definition and application of duty. The existence of a "duty triangle" has been asserted, in that, over time, three major approaches to classifying ethical thought have arisen, and these approaches are based on virtue, principle, or consequences. In other words, people make their ethical decisions based on one (or more) of these three ideas. When one considers political leaders, it would be difficult to leave both virtue and principle out of the equation: after all, the lower rungs of political service are not sufficiently lucrative for a purely utilitarian individual to find the situation attractive. There has to be some idealistic motive behind entry into public service, even if, after time, that idealism is worn away and replaced by a jaded faade. The idea of virtue finds definitions for ethical conduct in the behaviors and qualities of the good individual. The idea of principle suggests that uni versal principles can be used to make ethical decisions. These two are very similar; however, the key difference is that the virtue-based definition uses individuals as its orientation, while the principle-based definition uses a broader base of precedent as its orientation. The idea of consequences looks at the outcomes of actions and uses those outcomes to determine whether or not an action is right or wrong - this is often called a utilitarian

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

Huckleberry Finn Essay Theme, structure and social characteristics as the literary elements, highlighting the spiritual growth of the main characters in â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev†, â€Å"Emma† and â€Å"Huckleberry Finn† The present paper is designed to discuss three novels about moral maturation and the growth of self-awareness, â€Å"Huckleberry Finn† by Mark Twain, whose protagonist is Huckleberry Finn, Jane Austen’s â€Å"Emma†, named after the protagonist and â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev† by Chaim Potok, whose main character is Asher Lev. Notably, the authors necessarily indicate the protagonists’ names in the titles, underlining their moral and psychological development as a central plotline. The literary elements of theme, structure and protagonist’s social characteristics actually strengthen the reader’s understanding of the character’s spiritual growth: Lev’s novel demonstrates’ the protagonist’s liberation from the community bonds through the lens of the theme of social pressure, Twain’s writing – the progress of Huck’s humanistic views underlining the theme of slavery, Austen’s work – Emma’s psychological maturation, through prioritizing the theme of marriage, moreover, all works by their structure provide the mistakes made by the protagonists on their path and thus make clear to the reader that development is not a smooth and gradual process, whereas the change or stability of sociological characteristics pay reader’s attention either to the connection between self-awareness and social position or to the purely inner revolution. The characters actually perfect very distinct aspects of self awareness: Emma, for instance, overgrows the selfish and infantile girl, whose main interest is manipulating the others’ fates (as she appears at the beginning), Asher Lev realizes that he is actually an independent personality rather than the subject of the Hassidic community after being judged for depicting the his mother’s anguish, whereas Huckleberry Finn, who has never considered carefully the issue of racial equality, begins to realize his humanistic views and oppose the oppression of slaves and the split of their families. Due to the fact that the major theme in â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev† is community bonds and the conflict itself develops in terms of the weakening of the commitment to the groups of Hassids (Walden, 1985), the protagonist, who is a bright and unordinary individuality, should ascend over the blind observance of community tradition and learn to distinguish himself from the group. Therefore, his development is associated with individuation and learning of his ego and the religious conflict results in the development of Asher’s ability to assert his self: â€Å"So it is time for the defense, for a long session in demythology. But I will not apologize. It is absurd to apologize for a mystery†(Potok, 1998, at http://search. barnesandnoble. com). The theme of marriage as the leading one in â€Å"Emma† is also related to the main character’s development: whereas at first, Emma views marriage as a game, popular in her environment, she is still not infantile to understand that this specific type of partnership is based necessarily on strong affection after developing the feelings for her brother-in-law; whereas at the beginning she has fear for the responsibility associated with marriage. The theme of slavery also supports the reader’s understanding of the young protagonist’s moral growth in â€Å"Huckleberry Finn†: â€Å"I’m low down; and I’m a-going to steal him† (Twain, 1999, Ch. 33); as one can understand, Huck no longer views Jim as property, but in order to persuade Tom, he recognizes his own inclination to wrongdoing and takes entire responsibility for the stealing the slave. The structure of the stories is generally similar: the greatest part of the plot is dedicated to depicting the behavioral imperfections of the protagonist, so that the reader can feel the protagonist is an ordinary person, whose growth is based upon his/her own mistakes. For instance, â€Å"Emma† at first depicts an arrogant and class-conscious girl saying â€Å"The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do† (Austen, 2001, Vol. 1 Ch. 4) and throughout the first two parts she acts as a quarrelsome person, whereas her later reasoning can be characterized as wiser: â€Å"I think Harriet is doing extremely well â€Å"(Austen, 2001, Vol. 3, Ch. 28), i. e. she approves of her best friend’ marriage to the farmer, having got the idea of love and letting it in. Beyond mistakes, Potok’s and Twain’s protagonists also encounter difficulties and adversities, which shape their outlooks; for instance, Lev’s story can be divided into three parts (Walden, 1985): period of the teenage conflict with the environment, movement toward the goal in Kahn’s studio and the resolution of the conflict and individuation (Potok, 1972). Huck’s moral development is less gradual and actually consists of several insights: 1) first encounter with Jim as a fugitive slave and the initial desire to help him; 2) The loss of the companion after meeting the â€Å"aristocrats† and Jim’s imprisonment in Phelpses’ house. Finally, social characteristics of the protagonists are quite expressive themselves and point actually to the qualities to be changed. For instance, Emma is introduced as a girl with a degree of self-importance and class-based prejudice because of her upper class identity, but later she begins to understand her friend Harriet in her love for Martin and thus grows more open-minded; furthermore, her maturation is accompanied by the change of social characteristics, as Emma accepts Knightley’s proposition Huck Finn’s social characteristics remain practically the same, as the author seeks to maintain the reader’s focus on the advancement of his moral qualities, so that the adolescent still remains to some extent uncommitted to social norms (â€Å"Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it† (Twain 1999, Ch. 43), in spite of having developed his distinct attitude towards slavery. Asher Lev, in turn, drastically changes his social identity: the growth of his self-awareness and self-identity result in his alienation and separation from the community. To sum up, the reader’s understanding of the protagonist’s path toward self-awareness is to great extent manipulated by the authors: Jane Austen, Chaim Potok and Mark Twain design the plot structure, which underlines the failures and subsequent insights of the protagonist, embed the central theme into the main character’s spiritual growth and substantially change the protagonist’s social features, except Huck’s case, in which the focus on morality shift is broadened through remaining social characteristics stable. Reference list Austen, J. (2001). Emma. At http://ebooks. adelaide. edu. au/a/austen/jane/a93e/. Twain, M. (1999). Huckleberry Finn. At Potok, C. (1972). My Name is Asher Lev. Alfred A. Knopf. Potok, C. (1998). My Name is Asher Lev. At http://search. barnesandnoble. com/booksearch/isbninquiry. asp? ean=9781400031047displayonly=EXCz=y#EXC http://etext. virginia. edu/toc/modeng/public/Twa2Huc. html Walden, D. (1985). The World of Chaim Potok . State University of New York Press, 1985.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sexual Abuse and Young Children Essay -- Child Abuse Essays

As reported in Child Maltreatment 2013, out of the estimated 905,000 victims of child abuse and neglect reported in the United States in 2013, 8.8% were victims of sexual abuse. 1 This means that in that year over 79,600 children were sexually abused in the United States. â€Å"There is general agreement among mental health and child protection professionals that child sexual abuse is not uncommon and is a serious problem in the United States.† 2 Sexual abuse has a very broad definition. According to the American Psychological Association, â€Å"a central characteristic†¦is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity.† 3 The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as: A. â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; or B. â€Å"the rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children† 4 There are many different types of sexual abuse, some more extreme than others. Sexual abuse falls into two categories: contact and non-contact. 5 Sexual abuse involving contact â€Å"may include fondling a child's genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse† and non-contact sexual abuse could include â€Å"exposure, voyeurism, and child pornography.† 6 All sexual abuse, no matter how severe or mild by definition, is damaging to the young child and can affect his/her neurological and psychological development and health, and affect him/her throughout life. Sexual abuse negatively affects a young child’s neurological development. It causes toxic stress, a type of stress which children are unable to manage by themselves. 7 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, exposure to toxic stress during early childhood can impair and disrupt development of brain circuits, which â€Å"can cause an individual to develop a low threshold for stress, thereby becoming overly reactive to adverse experiences throughout life.†8 High levels of stress hormones can also affect the child’s immune system and cause â€Å"cog... ... Symptoms  · Attempts to touch the genitals of others  · Sexualized play  · Detailed and age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual activity  · Excessive masturbatory behavior  · Reluctance to undress  · Avoidance of touch  · Increased startle response  · Hypervigilance  · Extreme fluctuations in heart rate (above 100 bpm or below 60 bpm)  · Sleep disturbance (bed wetting, nightmares)  · Drastic change in appetite somatic complaints  · Enuresis/encopresis  · Substance use  · Fatigue/exhaustion Emotional Symptoms  · Regression to younger developmental stage  · Lack of affect  · Withdrawal/depression  · Anxiety/irritability/fear  · Phobias  · Excessive guilt  · Feelings of helplessness  · Low self-esteem  · Obsessive ideas  · Self-hate  · Hyperalertness  · Dissociation Behavioral Symptoms  · Abrupt change in behavior or personality  · Aggression  · Excessive crying  · Over compliance  · School adjustment problems/sudden drop in school performance  · Temper tantrums  · Truancy or runaway behavior  · Self-mutilating/suicidal ideation/gestures/attempts  · Flashbacks/Avoidance  · Nightmares  · Lack of trust/social isolation/lack of friendships  · Hyperarousal ChildTrauma.org Sexual Abuse and Young Children Essay -- Child Abuse Essays As reported in Child Maltreatment 2013, out of the estimated 905,000 victims of child abuse and neglect reported in the United States in 2013, 8.8% were victims of sexual abuse. 1 This means that in that year over 79,600 children were sexually abused in the United States. â€Å"There is general agreement among mental health and child protection professionals that child sexual abuse is not uncommon and is a serious problem in the United States.† 2 Sexual abuse has a very broad definition. According to the American Psychological Association, â€Å"a central characteristic†¦is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity.† 3 The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as: A. â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; or B. â€Å"the rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children† 4 There are many different types of sexual abuse, some more extreme than others. Sexual abuse falls into two categories: contact and non-contact. 5 Sexual abuse involving contact â€Å"may include fondling a child's genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse† and non-contact sexual abuse could include â€Å"exposure, voyeurism, and child pornography.† 6 All sexual abuse, no matter how severe or mild by definition, is damaging to the young child and can affect his/her neurological and psychological development and health, and affect him/her throughout life. Sexual abuse negatively affects a young child’s neurological development. It causes toxic stress, a type of stress which children are unable to manage by themselves. 7 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, exposure to toxic stress during early childhood can impair and disrupt development of brain circuits, which â€Å"can cause an individual to develop a low threshold for stress, thereby becoming overly reactive to adverse experiences throughout life.†8 High levels of stress hormones can also affect the child’s immune system and cause â€Å"cog... ... Symptoms  · Attempts to touch the genitals of others  · Sexualized play  · Detailed and age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual activity  · Excessive masturbatory behavior  · Reluctance to undress  · Avoidance of touch  · Increased startle response  · Hypervigilance  · Extreme fluctuations in heart rate (above 100 bpm or below 60 bpm)  · Sleep disturbance (bed wetting, nightmares)  · Drastic change in appetite somatic complaints  · Enuresis/encopresis  · Substance use  · Fatigue/exhaustion Emotional Symptoms  · Regression to younger developmental stage  · Lack of affect  · Withdrawal/depression  · Anxiety/irritability/fear  · Phobias  · Excessive guilt  · Feelings of helplessness  · Low self-esteem  · Obsessive ideas  · Self-hate  · Hyperalertness  · Dissociation Behavioral Symptoms  · Abrupt change in behavior or personality  · Aggression  · Excessive crying  · Over compliance  · School adjustment problems/sudden drop in school performance  · Temper tantrums  · Truancy or runaway behavior  · Self-mutilating/suicidal ideation/gestures/attempts  · Flashbacks/Avoidance  · Nightmares  · Lack of trust/social isolation/lack of friendships  · Hyperarousal ChildTrauma.org

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mark Twains The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn English Literature Essay

4. In Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn it is clear as to how the characters have been influenced by their environments. The narrative is set during a clip where bondage and racism are held as socially acceptable and justified by faith in some instances ; this is seen legion times throughout the novel. Although the two major characters Huck and Jim have come from and lived in the same environments, the fortunes of their lives are uncomparable. Society has conditioned Huck to accept bondage and racialist attitudes. Slavery has resulted in Jim ‘s attempts to seek his freedom, but besides his deficiency of instruction and to some degree his superstitious notion. Couple uses the environment environing Huck and Jim non merely to portray how it impacts their actions and beliefs, but besides to do a statement about the lip service, immortality, and unfairness found in civilised society at this clip. At the clip period this novel is set in, bondage is an mundane portion of life. As a reader, we see Huck invariably trying to decide the struggle within himself as he struggles between the dogmas of the South and his ain consciousness and morality. Huck ‘s position about the establishment of bondage is the result of what society has ingrained within him, he was born into it. Huck blindly accepts the societal and spiritual values that the Widow and Miss Watson insist he uphold until his ain witting interferes with what he has been taught. Whenever Huck can non follow societal regulations, he blames it on himself and fails to see any mistake in the regulations. He sees his male parent ‘s bibulous harangue in chapter 6, â€Å" †¦ but when they told me there was a State in this state where they ‘d allow that nigger ballot, I drawed out. I says I ‘ll ne'er vote once more†¦ I says to the people, why ai n't this nigga put up at auction and sold? – that ‘s what I want to cognize † ( Twain 117 ) . Huck hears his male parent ‘s words but does non denounce him because in his universe this position is the norm. Huck is an perceiver and he gives realistic word pictures of what he sees and Twain uses his narrative to exemplify the ailments of society. There are many times in the novel where Huck sees Jim more as a slave, a mere piece of belongings instead than a individual. In chapter 16, Huck begins to panic when he realizes the determination he has made to assist Jim towards freedom, â€Å" †¦ it made me all over trembly and hectic, excessively, to hear him, because I begun to acquire it through my caput that he was most free- and who was to fault for it? † ( 162 ) . Because he believes the values of society are just and merely, Huck feels that he is an confederate for the offense of non turning in Jim back to Miss Watson when he had the opportunity. He goes on to state, â€Å" I got so average and so suffering I most wished I was dead † ( 162 ) . In chapter 23, we see Huck ‘s attitude toward Jim Begin to alter, â€Å" He was believing about his married woman and kids, off up yonder, and he was low and homesick ; and I do believe he cared merely every bit much for his people as white folks does for thei r'n. It do n't look natural†¦ He was a mighty good nigga, Jim was † ( 204 ) . Huck is able to project aside the racialist values which he has grown up with. Here we see him believing for himself. What Huck sees as natural is that slaves do non care for and love their households the same manner as Whites do, but his sentiment is changed when he sees Jim. It is obvious that Huck has non associated with anyone who was non white and it is possible that he sees Jim as person who is rareness among African Americans due to the fact that he loves his household. As the novel progresses, Huck becomes more and more detached from society but non wholly. He and Jim sail down the Mississippi, making a universe of their ain and it is through these experiences that Huck ‘s friendly relationship with Jim grows and where the influences of the exterior universe are repressed to a certain extent. The best illustration of this is when Huck decides to compose the missive to Miss Watson stating her where Jim is, nevertheless his internal struggles are clearly seeable as he debates with himself whether or non he should make this. Before he precedes to compose the missive Huck says â€Å" And at last, when it hit me all of a sudden that here was the apparent manus of Providence slapping me in the face and allowing me know that my evil was being watched all the clip from up at that place in Eden, whilst I was stealing a hapless old adult female ‘s nigga that had n't of all time done me no injury†¦ † ( 238 ) . Huck still can non look to get away the impression that because Jim is a runaway slave helping in his attempts to get away is a wickedness. Although Huck can do his ain determinations, society ‘s rules still influence him greatly and after he writes the missive he even goes on to province that it was the first clip in his life he felt wholly â€Å" clean of wickedness † ( 239 ) . Religion is something that Huck does non clearly understand so his fright of the possible spiritual effects such as snake pits take precedency over his ain morality. However, instantly after composing the missive, Huck begins to believe about Jim and all the good he has done for him and makes a important determination, â€Å" All right, so, I ‘ll travel to hell- and tore it up. It was atrocious ideas, and atrocious words, but they was said † ( 239 ) . At this point we see that Huck denounces himself for his actions, but by making this he has in a manner rejected what society has instilled in him and established himself as an improbable hero. So as Huck ‘s universe alterations from civilized society to life on the Mississippi, from the influence of society at big to the influence of Jim, we can see how Huck besides changes. The Widow and Miss Watson introduced in chapter 1 can be seen as a representation of Southern society. They attempt to educate Huck, but he merely feels constrained by the regulations and ordinances they impose on him. Society besides fails to protect Huck from his opprobrious male parent as he is forced to travel unrecorded with Pap. All of these experiences contribute to Huck ‘s withdrawal from society and consequence in his disbelieving attitude of the universe. The idea of being sold down South and separated from his household prompts Jim to run off. Bing a slave, Jim is uneducated. For illustration when Huck is explicating to him that Frenchmen talk French he can non look to hold on the construct. In many ways he is like a kid. Jim has besides accepted the positions of his racialist milieus. He is convinced that the inequality and biass inkinesss face are rooted in truth. In chapter 36 it is clear that Tom is utilizing Jim to populate out his imaginativeness, â€Å" And told him how to maintain a diary†¦ He told him everything. Jim, he could n't see no sense in most of it, but he allowed we was white common people and knowed better than him ; so he was satisfied. Despite the manner Jim is being treated, in Jim ‘s head Huck and Tom are white so they must be right. Here, Jim is inactive and self-satisfied which merely emphasizes the subject of bondage in the novel. Couple uses the universe of the characters and how it influences them to supply a societal commentary on his pessimistic positions of humanity. The fresh exposes the jobs he saw in society including the immorality of bondage, spiritual lip service, and the weaknesss of society in general. Jim is treated cruelly by every character throughout the narrative. It is through Huck that bondage is presented as we see him fight between what is jurisprudence in society and what is morally right. The spiritual lip service is abundant from Miss Watson to the Phelps ‘s who have no concern over the establishment of bondage, yet claim to be good citizens. Twain makes it clear as to how racism can misinterpret the beliefs of those who impose bondage and the victims of it. When Huck is handed over to his male parent, this can be seen as Twain ‘s manner to notice on a society that gives whites the right to have other human existences which are considered belongings. A society that claims t o be morally merely and civilized can non warrant bondage.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Equity & Expectancy Theory of Motivation Essay

Motivation Explain Adams equity theory Adams’ equity theory is a motivational model that attempts to explain the relationship between what an employee puts into their job (input), what they get out of it (output) and the fairness and justice exchanged between the two (Cosier & Dalton, 1983). Inputs include all factors that are perceived as necessary to obtain a return, such as effort, loyalty, hard work, commitment, skill, ability, flexibility, tolerance, determination, heart and soul, enthusiasm, trust in the employer and personal sacrifice. Whilst outputs include all factors that are seen as a return of the job such as financial rewards, perks, benefits, pension arrangements, recognition, reputation, praise, interest, responsibility, travel, training, development, sense of achievement and promotion (Cosier & Dalton, 1983). A fair and equitable balance of the two are based on the employees own perception, thoughts and beliefs and are formed through comparing the employees own situation with other employees in the market place along with opinions and comparisons from colleagues, friends and partners (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010). Ultimate Software has been able to provide an equitable balance between the inputs and outputs of their employees through implementing some of the key principles of equity theory. For example they are providing a strong leadership role model through Scott Scherr-the CEO, they are being attentive to their employees’ perception of fairness and more importantly they are involving their employees in the decision making and policy process. In return this has promoted cooperation and team work within the company (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010). More specifically Ultimate Software application of being attentive and involving their employees was demonstrated when their employee suggested that they offer paid adoption leave to their employee and they consequently implemented the benefit (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010). This particular employee was about to adopt herself so she perceived that the output of â€Å"adoption leave† was a fair and equitable reward for her inputs of effort, loyalty, commitment, skill, ability and work (Cosier & Dalton, 1983). Thus by listening and implementing her suggestion Ultimate Software met her sense of fairness. In addition they al so conveyed to her a sense of   involvement with the decision and policy making process. Consequently the employee regarded Ultimate Software as a fair, observant and appreciative  employer. So much so that she has remained with the company for four years and has since used the â€Å"adoption leave† again. Conversely the company could have chosen not to listen to this particular employee’s suggestion. As a result Ultimate Software would not have implemented adoption leave and the employee would have felt that her inputs of effort, loyalty, commitment, skill, ability and work were out-weighed by her received outputs. This would have been even more apparent if another company in the industry offered such a leave for adopting children. Consequently the employee would have felt underappreciated and would have become demotivated. This would have resulted in the employee reducing their effort and application, and even seeking an alternative job, perhaps one where adoption leave was available (Cosier & Dalton, 1983). Another example of the principles of equity theory at work in Ultimate Software is the use of benefit schemes to motivate employees. These schemes endeavour to provide employees with working conditions and policies that give additional rewards above and beyond the basic requirements to meet the perceived outputs of different individuals (Katzell & Thompson, 1990). For example an employee who perceived education as a fair and equitable output to their inputs is able to benefit from the company’s annual tuition reimbursement. Whilst an employee who perceives providing health cover for themselves and their family as an equitable output for their input will acquire a sense of fairness and organisational justice through the use of Ultimate Software’s fully paid health premium scheme. These, along with the other schemes mentioned, cater for the differing perceptions, values and sensitivities amongst the company employees. This variation exists because what one employee sees as an adequate reward for their input may not even register with another employee (Blakely et al, 2005). We all have differing sensitivity and to achieve organisational justice and fairness between the inputs and outputs of individual employees the company needs to comprehend what makes their employees tick to enable them to perform their role (Wilson, 2005). Basically Ultimate Software has applied the principles of equity theory to motivate their employees. The company has provided outputs which meets their employees perception of fairness against what they input into the company (Katzell & Thompson, 1990). This balance between input and output has not  only been achieved individually but also with in the work place and the industry. Consequently Ultimate Software has raised the level of employee satisfaction and performance. Explain Vroom;s Expectancy Theory Vroom’s Expectancy Theory is another motivational model but slightly more complex in its application. The model uses the three variables expectancy, instrumentality and valance to explain how an employee is motivated to behave in ways that will produce a desired combination of expected outcomes (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010). The first variable, expectancy is the belief that an ones effort will result in the attainment of desired performance goals and is based upon the employees past experiences, self-confidence and the perceived difficulty of the goal. The second variable, instrumentality is the belief that one will receive a reward if the performance expectation is met and is connected to the employees’ levels of trust in leadership, control over rewards and the company’s formalised policy. The final variable, valence is the value that one places on the rewards and is based upon an employee’s needs, goals, values and sources of motivation (Lee, 2007). It is Vroom’s belief that these three variables interact psychologically to create a motivational force that will cause employee to acts in ways that will bring pleasure and avoid pain (Pearson & Hui, 2001). An example of Ultimate Software using the principle of expectancy theory to motivate their employees is through the use of their education benefit. For this to be a motivational force the three variables of expectancy, instrumentality and valance must be perceived by the employee to be met (Pearson & Hui, 2001). That is to fulfil expectancy an employee will need to believe that their extra effort and time put into studying a degree, or similar educational course, will result in them completing the program. To fulfil instrumentality the employee must believe that   once completed they will be rewarded with either a higher pay and or a promotion within the company. And finally to fulfil the third variable valance, the employee will need to value that the pay rise and/or pr omotion are important enough to apply extra effort and time. Basically they will need to desire the outcome enough so that they will achieve it (Pearson &  Hui, 2001). Jose Chinea of Ultimate Software was able fulfil the three variables of expectancy, instrumentality and valence. Firstly Jose believed that the masters’ degree in management and information systems was achievable. Secondly he believed that the extra effort put into studying a master’s degree would lead to the reward of obtaining a promotion with Ultimate Software. And finally because he personally understood and valued education as an opportunity to grow he therefore believed that the efforts he put in, along with the rewards obtained from Ultimate Software, would be worth it. Conversely, if Jose was not able to fulfil any one of the three variables then there would be no motivational force for him to study and therefore use the educational benefit. This would happen only if he believed that he was unable to complete the master’s degree, the company was not offering a suitable reward and he perceived education and the rewards of education to be of no value. Conse quently, the internal attributes of the employee which incorporate their attitude and value systems are an extensive determinate of motivational force in the expectancy theory model (Pearson & Hui, 2001). Another example of Ultimate Software using the principles of expectancy theory is the CEO’s, Scott Scherr’s leadership role (Isaac et al, 2001). Scherr adopted the principles to equip himself with tools to influence the psychological process resident in his employees. He implemented rewards systems that are uncommon. These rewards include matching 30% of employee superannuation contributions and also stock options and both are applied in an appropriate fashion to pull or influence his employees. This strategy enhances the level of personal motivation of his employees as they wish to maximize their own self interests. For example an employee who wishes to boost their retirement savings would opt for the reward scheme of matching superannuation contributions. Whilst an employee who wishes to boost their immediate wealth, or even just considers investing to be of value, would opt for stock options. In applying a strong leadership style Scherr has created an environment within his company that inspires his employees to achieve a level of performance that meets the company expectations, and even perhaps exceed the employees own personal expectations. This has been achieved through Scherr consciously choosing a leadership strategy that pulls rather than pushes  (Isaac et al, 2001). The positive implications of using a motivational model such as expectancy theory include reduced employee turnover, improved morale and higher productivity (Pearson & Hui, 2001). For Ultimate Software this has resulted in the company obtaining the title of best medium company to work for in America.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Women and Development Essay Example

Women and Development Essay Example Women and Development Essay Women and Development Essay Western Feminism and Third World Feminism: How does the debate between western feminism and third world feminism inform the transformation of development programs? Introduction: The debate between western feminism and third world feminism is a subject that has elicited much criticism. However, there is a common ground when it comes to issues of economic and social development of women. Johnson-Odim, being one of the authoritative voices in matters of feminism affirms that there are several problems some Third World women have with First World feminism. He states that, While it may be legitimately argued that there is no one school of thought on feminism among First World feminists who are not, after all, monolithic there is still, among Third World women, a widely accepted perception that the feminism emerging from white, middle-class Western women narrowly confines itself to a struggle against gender discrimination Hence, to an extent, there is some kind of mutual ground between both parties as they both share the sane struggle. This common ground has given them one voice when it comes to there participation in economic development. Indeed, Feminists have voiced the fact that the contribution of women in the Gross National Product (GNP) or their involvement in the informal workforce has been largely ignored and uncounted. There justification is the fact that it has become unavoidable, the necessity of assessing the opportunity cost of household works done by women, including the social value of childbearing and motherhood and the economic value of generating human capital. This claims have led to governments the world over to formally acknowledge that there has been a negative impact on women of various national and international policies like discriminatory civil and judicial laws, privatization, structural adjustment etc. along with existing patriarchal social and cultural norms that reinforced the very process of discrimination[Snigdha Ali]. This has led to a lot of transformation in terms of social and economic development of women the world over. One example of such a phenomenon would be how structural adjustment policies pushed by the World bank and the IMF to be adopted by Third World countries have restructured the economic and social conditions of this countries and impacted on the citizens overall and women in particular. Indeed, many agree that there implementation has brought about more equality in social and economic opportunities for development [Snigdha Ali]. Question #2: Feminist activists from the South have challenged the foundations of development studies by focusing on development as â€Å"a transformation of institutions, structures and relations that perpetuate injustice, inequality and inequity† (Visvanathan, 1997: 29). Introduction: The extreme material and other associated inequalities of contemporary globalization, and the concentration of technological development and power in the rich economies of the North have increased the degree of disparity between economies in the North and those in the South. This has impacted on the important contributions to improve the status of women in the South. Indeed, feminist activists from the South have challenged the foundations of economic and social development studies employed that still focus on gender differences based on biology. Spurred on by Karl Marx’s analysis of the social structure of capitalism, they point out that gender inequality is not an individual matter, but is deeply ingrained in the structure of societies. This means that gender inequality is built into the organization of marriage and families, work and the economy, politics, religions, the arts and other cultural productions, and the very language we speak.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Affordable Discussion Essay Right Here

Affordable Discussion Essay Right Here Discussion essay is a type of academic work, which is often assigned at high school and college. It should include a thought-out and detailed analysis with great conclusions. It’s like an ordinary discussion when you present ideas and points of view. Not all students are good at discussion essay writing since they should demonstrate their diligence, writing skills, and ability to present their own ideas in a convincing way. We would like to offer such students to write discussion essay for them. Advantages of discussion essay writing Firstly, you will get professional help as our writer hold a Master’s degree or a PhD. It’s their job to meet all requirements and formats to provide high-quality papers. If you are interested in some particular style of writing a discussion essay and don’t have any idea how to do it, you’d better ask us for assistance. Our writers know the difference between APA and MLA styles. Your teacher will appreciate your work and your ability to provide a correctly formatted paper. Secondly, you will receive your paper when you need it. It means that you only have to state your deadline. Our writers will make everything possible to meet it. Moreover, they are used to working in such conditions. No matter how short a time frame may be, we will still provide a great discussion essay. Time doesn’t have any influence when the writer knows his job. Thirdly, you can contact our support team any time and get any information you need: from an order procession to its delivery. It usually takes 10 minutes for our managers to process your order and get in touch with you. Then they look for the most appropriate writer for your order. Writers with experience and knowledge in your field are of high priority. Besides, we have one more great function for you to offer. At the time of cooperation, you can consult not only our managers, but our writers, who are always ready and glad to provide any information you would like to know. As you can see, we are here to grant a high-grade discussion essay outline and the work itself. Moderate costs for high quality papers Excellent works can cost affordable sums of money, and we can prove it. What is an average cost for writing a discussion essay? Just check prices on other websites. They could hardly be called affordable or even moderate. We offer services of good quality at reasonable costs. What is more, we offer some profitable discounts for our clients from time to time. Would you like to see it yourself? Check our prices. Do you see the difference? You don’t have to write discussion essay when you can order it and pay an affordable price for it. Most students come back, and we appreciate it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Article Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article Discussion - Coursework Example Nonetheless, this management technique terrorizes the employees, as intimidation is a recipe for short-term results. In contrast, the Theory Y bases its management style on the assumption that work is a source of satisfaction given that employees willingly chose to devote their mental and physical abilities to the company. Depraved leaders are characterized by self-centered approach towards management. These leaders exhibit intelligence and high rates of success. Despite this, these leaders undermine prudent organizational behavior of embracing unity and teamwork in the decision-making processes. Through their attitude, depraved leaders practice intolerance, a trait that does not give room for recognition of the inferior groups. Therefore, the current nature of business does not consider intolerance as a component of success. Moreover, globalization and corporate social responsibility are the current trends that define the success of an organization. With depraved leaders, organizations risk the chance of failure as employee motivation plays a critical role in embracing diversity and ensuring continuity within the